Sunday, March 27, 2016

A Powerful, Emotional and Inspirational Experience

Miracles From Heaven
dir. Patricia Riggen

   Faith-based films walk a very tight and thin line between being available to all audiences and only appealing to a limited one. I am very happy to say that Miracles From Heaven can be enjoyed by anyone even if you aren't affiliated with a particular denomination. The reason why it can be enjoyed by anyone is that the story is a universal one: Families going through a trying time. It is also based on a true story that whether you believe or not, could happen to anyone and any family.
   Jennifer Garner gives her best dramatic performance as Christy Beam, who just wants her daughter to get better from an unforgiving disease. Her faith and motherly strength are pushed to the limit as she tries to keep everything together with both her daughter and the rest of her family (her husband and other two daughters). There are great scenes of emotional depth and relatability that made me cry as I was watching it cause it reminded me of my own mother. The supporting cast gives good performances as well with one of the best being John Carroll Lynch as the local pastor whom supports Christy even when she stops going to church after what some ladies had said to her about her kid.
   Miracles From Heaven may not be your cup of tea but if it interests you, like it did me, you'll enjoy it. It is a powerful, emotional and inspirational experience that is universal for all mothers and families.

Rating: 4.5/5 Reels

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