Saturday, June 4, 2016

God, Can I get a 'Do-Over' on the last 90 minutes of my life?

The Do-Over
dir. Steven Brill

   I have never been the one to participate in the ever-growing backlash against Adam Sandler. I have liked some of his past studio efforts. I liked "Blended" cause it brought back the great chemistry between him and Drew Barrymore and I enjoyed "Pixels" for some of its funny moments and 80s flashback style. But, where I've defended him in the past for being a victim of overzealous former fans. Here, the overall consensus is the truth. This film is one of the biggest and most unfulfilling timewasters that I've seen in a long time. It's not funny, not enjoyable and overall, an unpleasant and sigh inducing experience.
   Just because this is a NETFLIX exclusive film, doesn't give it a pass. This is just one of the films that are part of Adam Sandler's contract with the company. I did not have the misfortune of seeing his previous effort "The Ridiculous Six" but I was told by some that there was nothing to see, so I forgot about it. The "story" of the film involves David Spade as an unlucky character with a terrible wife and kids, job and so on. He bumps into his old high school buddy, played by Sandler, at a reunion who after having some "fun" adventures decides to give his buddy a new life with him by faking their own deaths. The plot from there gets muddled until a twist unfolds that is one of the most tacky, unsentimental and practically offending twists I've ever seen.
    This film is not funny, period. Upon writing this review, there are handfuls upon handfuls of other comedies that you could be watching on NETFLIX besides this one. It's a shame because I know that the streaming service is trying to produce and distribute more worthwhile content besides "House Of Cards". It is also very disappointing that Adam Sandler has sunk this low with the comedy work. I want him to do better films but if he keeps making films like this, I highly doubt anyone would want to watch him and his compadres shtick anymore. This is bargain-bin dreck and even that is an understatement as I could go to my local Wal-Mart and find a better comedy with the same runtime as this one that wont leave you feeling empty and lifeless.

Rating: Zero Reels

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