Saturday, January 21, 2017

Into the Dark Rabbit Hole We Go

dir. M. Night Shyamalan

(This Review is Spoiler-Free)

      Whether his work is great or terrible, M. Night Shyamalan manages to create something memorable and discussion worthy every time he steps behind the camera. With "Split", he's found something more and not only will you talk about it after you see it, but it will warrant repeat viewings to piece and connect together what you missed watching it for the first time.
       James McAvoy portrays Kevin who shares the same mind with 22 other individual personalities. Kevin kidnaps three teen girls to sacrifice to what the personalities call "The Beast". McAvoy shows his mastery as an actor as you can tell apart which personality is which and he brings out the true emotionality in each one to the point where you can almost see past the terrifying and disturbing actions and dive into what makes each "person" tick. Shyamalan brings his signature style and mysterious tone as the core of the film is a psychological thriller but also manages to fit in some darker humor and tragedy as the picture progresses. It has a lot of disturbing undertones that don't overcrowd the intense thrills and moments of dark levity.
      "Split" may look like just another "meh" and "okay" January release but there is so much more lying underneath the surface that makes this one of the first (of hopefully many) great films of 2017. It thrills you with a intense and scary ride while diving deep into themes of mental health, perception and acceptance and facing our inner fears and demons.

Oh, and as always with Mr. Shyamalan's work, there is a twist and its a damn good one.

Rating: 4.5/5 Reels

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