Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Bustin’ Makes This Real Good

dir. Paul Feig

Have No Fear, The Following Review is Spoiler-Free

I liked this movie. I really, really, really liked this movie. No, I have not been paid or influenced by Sony or Sony Pictures. I liked this film because it is hilarious, has some top notch ghost effects and action scenes and it isn't just a photocopy of the original source material. Instead, we get a new take that stands on its own while still maintaining its franchise roots which (for some other movies) may be a hard feat to pull off, but, this one pulls it off spectacularly.
Are there some flaws or things that could've been fixed? Sure. The pacing in act 2.5 gets a bit slow and there are moments that feel like they've been left in to meet a longer runtime. The nods and winks to the original film do get a bit heavy (the theme tune is played many times including in the films orchestral score) but not so much that it feels like Gus Van Sant's "Psycho" or "The Thing" Pre-make. The main baddie of the story could've had a little more backstory and structure but there are some things that he does with his motives that are different and not what you would normally see which makes him a tiny notch above average.
However, what saves the film from those story-breaking flaws are the charismatic performances by McCarthy, Wiig, McKinnon, and Jones with the latter two practically running away with the film in some scenes. Their characters are very well written and fleshed out and were not trying to emulate or recreate the original dynamics of Murray, Ackroyd, Ramis and Hudson. They ground their own motives and meaning within the film's universe. I also like how the roles and molds of a traditional team are turned upside down as there is no particular leader, muscle, nerd, plucky sidekick, etc. They are a group with fleshed out individual traits that make them unique and relatable.
Some may accuse me of going in, quote, unquote, already knowing that I was going to like this movie, that I liked it because it reminded me of the original/”brand name”, or because the lead roles were given to women. When it comes to reboots, retellings, remakes and re-quels (as in the case of Independence Day: Resurgence), I judge a film based on what it brings to the table in terms of entertainment and originality. Some do it well, some do it okay and some are too terrible to mention or think about. These new “Ghostbusters” bring more than plenty to the table and not just gizmos, gadgets and gimmicks. It is a fun spooktacular time with plenty of laughs, slime and action and while that may sound clichĂ©d, it comes from the heart of someone who truly enjoyed (and perhaps maybe even loved) this new and refreshing summer blockbuster. 

Rating: 4.5 Reels 

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