Monday, September 19, 2016

Welcome Back To The Witch's Woods

dir. Adam Wingard

   "The Blair Witch Project" is one of those seminal 90's horror classics alongside films like "Scream" that redefines genre and storytelling to revitalize horror and give it new life and given the most recent explosion of found footage scare flicks, I am surprised that this sequel was not made sooner but I'm glad this has come out when it has. This is an intensely scary treat for not only fans of the original film but horror fans in general.
   Set many years after the original, Heather's brother sets out to find his sister and with the help of three of his friends and two somewhat kooky locals, they venture into the woods and that is when the film takes off with the noises and scares that are sure to kick some audience members to the back of their seat. That is where this movie truly shines and stands out. However, this movie is still far from a perfect horrorfest like the original as some of the moments in this new one feel like replays or reenactments of the original. It also doesn't help that some of the twists in the middle of the film feel like the writer is trying to pull the rug out from under you without scaring or disturbing you.
   The final act make up for all of that as the speed of terror goes from a 2.5 to 11 in a snap with twists and turns that shock and terrify, all of which left me glued to my theater seat that by the end of the film, I felt like I had just gone on a roller coaster ride from hell. Enter if you dare to.

Rating: 4/5 Reels

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